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This college is considering all the possible mobilization and support tools for the rapid implementation of actions towards the circular economy and climate protection.

– Incentives

  • A) Grants/loans/ Helps
  • B) Experiments
  • C) Training/ information

– Assistance

  • Public funding (direct aid)
  • Loans (rate 0)
  • Citizen crowdfunding (how to restore meaning to funding)
    Example: decreasing yields depending on the distance between the place of production and the place of energy consumption.

– Experiments

  • How to give temporary exceptions/exemptions from regulatory constraints to carry out experiments (Example: exception for island contexts).
  • Economy of use (e.g. Household appliances for rent/ subscription) – Use of 2nd Hand (Repair + cheaper rental/month). “Geographic Porosity”: For experimentation and results measurements, it would be necessary for all actors in the same territory to adhere to the experimental process.
Collège de la finance et de lac fiscalité  poiur l'économie circulaire |

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