A philosophy oriented towards green and sustainable growth, the generation of new activities and job creation in the territories and for Europe
There is no economic project or innovation without a host territory. The OCCE therefore proposes to regions, communities and all local actors to become promoters of innovation, to be territories of birth and of setting up of new activities. The innovations carried out are intended to be transformed into investments, jobs and industrial successes around the key issues of the Circular Economy.
It is thus a matter of intervening very early in the process of attracting future projects. The installation of prototypes and innovative companies in the territory contributes to strengthen the industrial and technological singularity of these territories, strengthen their competitive intelligence and consolidate the link between local authorities, consular institutions (chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of trades) and economic development actors (public, institutional or associative (BGE, France Initiative Network, …)
Because each territory has its geographical and physical characteristics, each potential to use its natural resources for the production and management of circular economy models is different. With the OCCE, the reception of a technology, a prototype and a funding for this territory is due to its particularities. Hosting an innovative technology is also crucial for the original positioning and promotion of this territory in the media. This openness to the future testifies its dynamism for development, the definition of its identity and its energy mix.
The OCCE’s approach is fully in line with the framework for the strategies of the territories for the Circular Economy and the green growth, with the strategies of the next European Energy Union, with the Juncker’s Plan for the generation of innovation and new activities (up to the definition of a European GREEN NEW DEAL) or carbon emission reduction targets from the COP21 climate conference.
In this sense, the members of the OCCE will soon call for a European initiative towards the definition of a European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) for CIRCULAR ECONOMY in order to reach more quickly these various objectives.
The OCCE’s work related to the territories aims to:
A simple working process for local actors
After adhesion of the project leader to the association, ensuring the legal and digital security of the projects:
Become a OCCE member