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Are you an investor in the field of Circular Economy and Climate Change Responses?

Since 2016, the European Union has strengthened its support mechanisms for investment funds to bring out as many new startups and technology companies as possible in Europe, while allowing them to limit their risks. Since 2016, these actions are part of the Juncker Plan for European Competitiveness and Economic Development.

It is within this framework, that the OCCE intervenes, in order to facilitate the contracting process between the investment funds, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Union. In addition to the possibilities of guarantees, EU actions promote access to new funds to strengthen the capacity of private investment structures. In the same way, joining the OCCE means being at the heart of the technological opportunities brought by innovators or entrepreneurs.

The OCCE concentrates a large number of startup projects and innovative companies waiting to find their funding. These projects are evaluated by experts to ensure their highest level of success.

Become a member of the OCCE

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